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Lower NOx and Energy Costs


Spring Creek Towers, a multi-family housing complex with 46 buildings, 5,881 apartments, and its own school, achieved significant energy savings while lowering carbon emissions and improving air quality by installing a high-efficiency heating system utilizing AERCO Benchmark boilers.  

When management/ownership decided to upgrade their infrastructure with high-efficiency, compact gas-fired boilers, they turned to G.A. Fleet Associates for a solution that didn’t stress the power grid or occupants’ lives. 

Fleet provided eight modular EnviroSep plants, consisting of 46 Benchmark boilers of various sizes with ultra-low NOx (under 9ppm) capability. Each plant includes heating water pumps, summer pumps, controls, and full-electrical lighting and heat systems. The plants have remote monitoring via the predictive maintenance analytics tool. The SCADA system capable of 24/7 off-site access helps ensure that the units operate at maximum efficiency with the lowest possible emissions. 

Improved Performance and Reliability

Since installing the boilers, the fuel-to-hot water efficiency at the mechanical room entrances has improved from 49% to 89%. Spring Creek Towers has also seen a 91% reduction in NOx emissions, which is no small feat given the dense population and its proximity to major highways and JFK Airport.

As a result, residents now have reliable heat, and management/ownership has a superior system that is easy to operate and maintain, delivers superior energy savings, and provides peace of mind