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Flygt Pump Distributors, Flygt Submersible Pump Service NY/NJ/CT

We are factory-authorized Flight representatives for service and sales

Ask Us About Flygt Pump Repair Services

Equipment Example:

Submersible Pumps, 3085, 3102, 3127, 3153


Sump, Sewage, and Wastewater

Practical Advice:

Never cut costs by sacrificing the quality of sump and wastewater pumps. Whether in a municipal treatment plant or a commercial building, Flygt’s industrial-grade products outperform everything else in the market. One flooding event can cost more in damage, repairs, and pumper truck fees than the cost of the pumps and their controls.

Experienced service technicians for Flygt products including submersible pumps in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.Flygt’s adaptive N-impeller design creates a non-clog design that allows Flygt pumps to pass solids, cut rags, and prevent harmful buildup within pits. Fleet Pump and Service maintains Flygt rental pumps for customers who cannot afford to have downtime. In an era of disposable pumps that are replaced and not repaired, you can count on Flygt pumps to last for decades. minimal recommended preventative maintenance, these pumps are built to last. Fleet Pump and Service regularly maintain pumps from the 1970s and 1980s. We are a long-standing Flygt distributor.

We Are a Flygt Pump Distributor

We specialize in Flygt pump service and repair, whether a house pump, tank fill pump, condenser pump or Flygt submersible pump, we have you covered.

Fleet Pump & Service has provided commercial and municipal pump service and repair in metro NYC for over 40 years. We are factory-authorized pump professionals who can provide your building or facility with various pump repair and maintenance services. We work closely with Flygt when servicing their equipment, so you know the parts fit and the repair is spot on.

Flygt Pump Installation, Maintenance, or Repair

Fleet Pump & Service is an authorized Flygt pump distributor for Flygt submersible pumps and pump service. We now service all of New York state, northern New Jersey, and parts of Connecticut.

Contact Us for Flygt Service NY, NJ, CT

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